Rangers lead saltwater conservation program
Posted on 08 Dec 2020
Dambimanagri rangers Amon Jungine and Mitchell Castellarin attended the annual Indigenous Saltwater Advisory Group (ISWAG) forum 1-3 December 2020 in Broome at Nyamba Buru Yawuru.
ISWAG is an Indigenous-led and facilitated saltwater forum for the Kimberley.
It includes members from nine saltwater Indigenous groups; Balanggarra, Wunambal Gaambera, Dambimangari, Mayala, Bardi Jawi, Nyul Nyul, Yawuru, Karajarri and Nyangumarta, which represents traditional owner groups across 90% of the Kimberley coastline.
ISWAG was created to provide a regional and coordinated approach to species conservation in WA.
It is vitally important for indigenous people from across the Kimberley to come together and share knowledge about how to look after sea country.
Amon Jungine is an invaluable member of our team and as a Dambimangari ranger and an adviser to the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions DBCA recognising the team’s true value.
Listen to the ABC interview (6 min) – https://www.abc.net.au/radio/kimberley/programs/breakfast/coastal-rangers/12950602
Read Dambimangari’s Report – ISWAG forum 2020: Kimberley Indigenous Rangers put up a united voice to manage and protect saltwater country.
For more information please contact Kelly Gardner, Healthy Country Manager, or Mitchell Castellarin, Marine Operations Officer (reception@dambi.org.au, 08 9191 2383).

Image courtesy of the ABC – Amon Jungine and Ildephonse Cheinmora