Dambimangari people of the West Kimberley are open for Business!
Posted on 17 Mar 2025
Dambimangari people are responsible for managing and protecting Dambimangari Native Title Land and Sea Country for future generations. Sustainably planned and managed tourism enables Traditional Owners to manage, protect, reconnect and share their unique culture and special places in the right way.
“Our ancestors have given us this Country to look after. When we look after Country the right way, Wandjina (our Creation Ancestor) looks after us. Country is happy, people are happy – there is abundance. We want visitors to feel comfortable and safe – to see, feel and respect Country the way we do.” Leah Umbagai, Vice-Chair Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation.
The Dambimangari Corporation (DAC) has recently launched their Visitor and Tourism Plan. The plan provides the recommended pathway for Dambimangari people, the corporation and their strategic partners to deliver on the vision, goals and priorities for tourism on Dambimangari land and sea Country.
Priority projects are:
Dambimangari led tourism at Garaan-ngaaddim (Horizontal Falls), Koolan Island as a Tourism Hub, Dambimangari Tour Guides and formalising strategic partnerships.
DAC invites its members, the tourism industry and new or current stakeholders to reach out to the Dambimangari office to discuss this plan and the tourism priorities laid out in the plan.
DAC office in Derby has hard copies for Dambimangari members available for pick up.
Email: reception@dambi.org.au
Phone: 08) 9115 2000
Download the Tourism and Visitor Plan here.