Dambi celebrates Christmas in style!
Posted on 18 Dec 2020

Photo 1: it’s all smile when the chocolate comes out!
The year was capped off nicely for Dambi staff and friends who came together on Wednesday night (December 16th) to celebrate the passing of 2020 and to send everyone off on a high for the festive season.
It was fantastic to see so many Dambimangari People, especially the kids come together for a great night of food (oh so much!) and pure fun!
The occasion was marked with a special presentation to acknowledge key members of staff with well-deserved awards.
First off, the winner of our inaugural People and Places Photo Competition was announced.
The overall winner and People’s Choice recipient Danny Marr received a GoPro Hero7 and a $150 WISH card for his efforts.
Chloe O’Meara, DAC payroll officer was presented with a special accolade to acknowledge her untiring efforts throughout the year, but especially in lockdown when she undertook all kinds of roles to keep the Dambi corporation and its members ticking along. Without a doubt, if we hadn’t had Chloe filling the shoes of a whole heap of people, we would have all ground to a screeching halt!
Next to be acknowledged was the 2020 Ranger of the Year.
It was a tough call picking out just one from a team that excelled right across the year., However, there was one ranger who just seemed to be everywhere all of the time, and his undying enthusiasm inspired us all to do better. And that ranger is: Phillip Ngerdu! This dedication was also recognised by KLC with Phil’s nomination for Kimberley Male Ranger of the Year!
In the words of long-term Ranger Kieran Bangmorra, after Phil was presented with his award, “Good on him! He just makes me want to do better myself.”
Photo 2: and the winner is Danny Marr
Photo 3: Delys presenting Chloe with her outstanding Achievement Award
Photo 4: Ranger of the Year Phil Ngerdu
But the kids, though respectful throughout the presentation, just wanted one thing: their Christmas stocking packed full of glorious chocolate goodness! This was after they had built up a healthy appetite by sliding for a good couple of hours (thanks to the ranger crew for sorting this bit of fun!)!
Photo 5: the slide was a great hit
Photo 6: Mitch and Leah handing out the goods
Photo 7: Sherena and Chloe celebrating fun times

Photo 8: Fun was the order of the evening